Te Ripo O Hinemata Wetland

Te Ripo O Hinemata Wetland comprises  18.9 hectares of collectively-owned area of freshwater wetland and low hill slopes. 

It is located on a floodplain of Koputaroa Stream approximately 2 km north east of Koputaroa and 7 km north east of Levin.

 The site is protected as a Conservation Covenant and is managed by Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 3 Sec 2E5 Trust.

 The southern section of the wetland, which is owned by a neighbour, Mary Kilsby, and is an integral part of the site.

The main wetland from Koputaroa Stream to the south and east, is seperated by a stopbank and the  North Island Main Trunk Railway forms the north-western boundary.

The surrounding landscape is dominated by grazed pasture and crops with scattered indigenous trees and some small groups of indigenous trees in places. 

Maiara & Alia AhFar and Helen McGregor

 Te Ripo O Hinemata Wetland

 Nina, Timo, Maiara, Johnny Eden, Ariana, Tipu 

The Wetland has great cultural and spiritual significance for the people of Kereru Marae, and the Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 3 Section 2E5 Trust has initiated a project to revitalise its ecological, cultural and spiritual values.

Ecological restoration will be integrated with enhancement of mahinga kai and taonga, including traditional plants for weaving, kakaho and tukutuku. 

Several smaller, yet better quality, freshwater wetlands, including the Koputaroa Scientific Reserve and Perawiti Wetland, are located nearby. 

This wetland has a history of burning and grazing, and is currently dominated by exotic species.

 Small remnants of indigenous vegetation include raupo reed and kahikatea. 

To the east of Koputaroa Stream, the study area contains grazed pasture and a small kahikatea forest remnant.