2021 - December
Kia ora Whanau
We'll need to meet in early 2022 to go over the changes of trustees to advise the Māori Land Court (i.e. re Anne Taylor's resignation etc.) and update the details for the bank, so that we can have a conversation about paying out any of these funds to the owners. In the meantime it's safe there in our Westpac Business Interest account.
Wetlands (2E5)
Further to the email that Te Kenehi forwarded on from Waka Kotahi (Greg Lee) and Wildlands consultancy (Nick Goldwater) about the Koputaroa wetlands mitigation by NZTA (see below), I've had a conversation last week with Abi Wightman from DOC. She's the DOC person who's worked with us before, and she told me that she wasn't aware of the proposed wetlands restoration work that NZTA is looking to do. However, Abi said she'd give NZTA a call to see if there's a chance for some cross over/collaboration with DOC re our lands in Manawatū Kukutauaki No. 3 Section 2E5 Trust's mahi (i.e. our covenanted wetalnds lands). I'll follow-up in Jan 2022, so we can have a discussion about this in our Trust's first meeting's agenda.
Trustees (2B1 & 2E5)
Te Kenehi has said he's now back and available to support the mahi of the Trust as a Trustee again, so that's really good news. As noted above, we need to confirm the current trustees with Māori Land Court as soon as possible in the new year, as much depends on us getting those confirmed (we still have to take Willie McGregor off formally as a Trustee). We also need the current up-to-date list of trustees for the bank, before we can make any payments, and we're not allowed to have trustees who've passed away, so will tidy that up. Kim has formally received Anne's resignation, which we can then submit to the MLC.
Planting(s) (2E5)
Aroha has been teaching with a group of supported tauira in Palmerston North, as part of her new mahi. She has asked if we can allow them to come for a planting as a work experience opportunity and skills development. She said that some will have 'support people' with each of the students. I've talked with Abi from DOC about this, and they're keen to support, where they can. So I've responded to a request from Aroha to say that we're keen to support this kaupapa, if the necessary access and health and safety measures are in place and observed. Sounds like a good thing tho, and hopefully it'll kick off some more engagement with the lands and also DOC for us all.
Lastly, just to say thank you to all the local trustees who do the mahi and engagement locally with the whānau up there in the rohe... I really appreciate it, and thanks to Aroha for all the updates with the website! Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas/New Year's!
Mauri ora, nā
Manawatū Kukutauaki No3 Sec 2B1 & 2E5