2016 - April

Kia ora koutou

My apologies,as I've been a bit swamped with my Wakatu and Forest & Bird work in the past month. I had planned for us to have an AGM and do some planting around that meeting around ANZAC weekend, but the ground's been way too dry for us to do anything like that... in fact, if the weather keeps going like it has been the ground will be too dry/hard for us to do anything in June, also.

However, maybe we should target to get the ball rolling again around the Trust, and get some pictures at least in June.

So maybe let's set a date for some time in June or July (at the latest) for a proper meeting. I

I am submitting the Trust's IR8 2016 return - for 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 (Maori Authorities Income Tax Return) later this week.

Heoi ano,
