2017 - March
Email between our Chairman and the Justice Department
Kia ora John
I advise that this matter will be allocated a hearing at the next available Wellington Court to be held on or about 19 May 2017.
A notice confirming the court hearing will be sent in the near future.As discussed with you over the phone and before the matter can be heard, can you please supply the following further information:
a copy of the advertisement for the AGM
the resignation forms for Wayne Gilbert Taylor and Nelson Nerehana Tepu
a copy of the meeting minutes where William McGregor and Kim Taylor were elected (nominated, voted on etc) - if William and Kim were not elected following a correct process (and I am certainly not suggesting this is the case) it may require the cancelling of this application (returning the fee) and you file again once an election has taken place.
It is also noted that the terms of trust for the 2E5 Trust require updating. I may just request of the Court that His Honour allow you twelve months to file any amendments to the terms of trust. I have attached a copy of the current terms of trust for both trusts.
I have also attached a copy of a report (for each block) - showing the names of all those whom are currently trustees.
Hope this makes sense.
Nga mihi
Daniel M O’Connell
Deputy Registrar
Te Kooti Whenua Māori | Māori Land Court Tāhū o Te Ture | Ministry of Justice Waea DDI 06 349 1040 | Ext 56860 Te Whare o Ingestre | 74 Ingestre Street DX PX 10207 | Whanganui
Kia ora anõ Daniel
I've now received your letter and have sent the additional information back to you, ahead of the Court date. Once you've received it, please contact me if there's anything additional you require.
Heoi anõ,
John McGregor