AGM and Planting - 10 December 2016

Wow, what a full on day and great turnout. There was an intense agenda but even after a few technical difficulties, mechanical challenges and changes in weather, we got through all of it with very few (if any) grouchy moments and many, many laughs. As usual.
The day started at 10 am with the wonderful DOC people coming in and setting up a health and safety test for cross railway lines or working close to railway lines.
Very interesting and some very disturbing facts about what damage trains can do.

Morgan (DOC) Hone (Chairman) Sue (DOC). DOC also gifted a Kahikatea to the Marae which we will plant when we find a perfect spot for it.
All our gorgeous Rangatahi ready to roll.
Our age range was 80-something to 3.
We have plenty more photos coming from other members of the whanau which we will definitly get up on the web site soon as we can. It would be great to have something written about the day from one of our Rangatahi and Kaumatua.

Nina's (Treasurer) first plant into the ground.

Sapphire, Maiara and Ariana
Our Rangatahi hard at work.
One of the most important aspects of returning our whenua to it's natural wetland state is involving our youngsters (this can be a relative term in te Ao Maori) with planting out. It is vital we all connecting with the whenua.
We are all Kaitiaki together.
'E hara taku toa he takitahi he toa takitini'