2016 - January

"Happy New Year"

I hope everyone had a great time over the holidays.

For Christmas my niece Laura and her fiance Hamish gave me a 'Close up Zoo encounter' at Wellington Zoo with a Black and white ruffed Lemur, cousin of the Ring-tailed Lemur from "Madagascar" movie fame.

November and December 2015 were spent sorting out the Trusts taxes and...

"After several discussions with IRD (that's been with four different departments at IRD, in fact) we have now had all of the Maori Authority Credit Account (MACA) debits credited back to the Trust, and we have also had our 2012, 2013, 2104 & 2105 tax returns reviewed again by IRD, with the Department kindly crediting back all penalties that had been applied to the Trust over that five year period.

We have also just paid for the Trust's 2015 tax bill, and that makes us completely/well-and-truly up-to-date and in great shape with IRD.  They have been very helpful to be honest, and we appreciate their support.  So this contingent tax liability that was on our financial statements last year (and in the papers submitted by the Committee to the Judicial Review), are now ALL SORTED!

So whanau..., the next focus for our Trust this year will be two main things:

1.  Get the election of some of the whanau on the Committee to take us forward into the next period of work on the land.

2.  Have a hui on the land, and maybe some weeding and plantings, so that the whanau can see what's been done/how great everything looks, and what still needs to be done.

We will send a note out on this site, and to all those who have given us their email addresses, to call for an AGM for the Trust in March this year.

If you've got any questions in the meantime, please email them to us.

Heoi ano, me te huri tau koa!

Johnny McGregor
